
Restore Trust, Rebuild Bridges - LIVE Broadcast!!!

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Restore Trust, Rebuild Bridges - LIVE Broadcast | Anna Lindh Foundation

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Five questions and one answer...

What is a culture? Is it an onion with plenty of leaves until getting to its core? Is it an iceberg that only some of its parts can be seen and that clashes when it meets other icebergs? Is it the software of our minds, which needs to be re-installed from time to time, especially when we change environments?

What is an identity? Is it something that we have since we are born? Is it something imposed by society? Is it something static or dynamic? Is it who am I, who I think am I, who others think am I or who I think others think am I?

What is a stereotype? Is it a fixed form in our mind about others? Is it the way our brain simplifies things? Is it positive? Is it negative? Is it neutral?

What is a conflict? Is it that we don't understand each other? Is it that we can't understand each other? Is it that we don't want to understand each other? Is it that we don't care about understanding each other?

And, finally, what is other?

I don't know the answers to the questions above. I believe, however, one thing. Humans are rather members of the body of humanity than parts. So, the same way my heart needs my lungs, the same way I need other humans. Because, as heart fails without oxygen and lungs die without blood, the same way I'm not complete without other humans and other humans are not complete without me.

As I said before, that's my belief, a kind of faith of mine. But in my language, the word trust has the same root with the word for belief or faith. Hence, by trusting people, I'm just following my belief, my personal faith.

So, I'm Michail, I'm a Greek from Crete, I live in Cyprus and I blog for Trust!

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EuroMed bloggers blog for trust on 11/9/09


WWF TV Spot in Greek

Manu Chao: Viva la Colifata!

Ο Μάνου Τσάο (Manu Chao), σε συνεργασία με ασθενείς της Ψυχιατρικής Κλινικής Χοσέ Μπόρδα (Jose Borda) του Μπουένος Άϊρες, ηχογράφησε ένα νέο λεύκωμα, τιτλοφορούμενο "Viva la Colifata!" ("Ζήτω η Τρέλα!").

Η Ψυχιατρική Κλινική Χοσέ Μπόρδα είναι γνωστή για το καινοτόμο της "Radio La Colifata" ("Ραδιόφωνο Η Τρέλα"), έναν ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό λειτουργούμενο από του ασθενείς της από το 1991, με ένα ακροατήριο περίπου 12.000.000 προσώπων.

Για του μη Ισπανόφωνους, colifata είναι στην Ισπανική αργκό η τρέλα.

Το λεύκωμα μπορεί να μεταφορτωθή, νομίμως και δωρεάν, από τον ιστότοπο του σχεδίου: http://www.vivalacolifata.org/ .

Πηγή: TV Χωρίς Σύνορα
Manu Chao, in co-operation with patients of the Jose Borda Psychiatric Clinic of Buenos Aires, recorded a new album, called "Viva la Colifata!".

Jose Borda Psychiatric Clinic is known for its innovative "Radio La Colifata", a radio station run by its patients since 1991, with an audience of about 12.000.000 people.

For the non-Spanish-speakers, colifata is a Spanish colloquial for craziness.

The album can be downloaded, legally and free-of-charge, via the project website: http://www.vivalacolifata.org/ .

Source (in Greek): Greek Internet TV Without Frontiers

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